Web Design & Stuff by Pip introduction picture of Pip

Hi! I’m Pippa

Back to the beginning… I graduated with a BA Hons from the University of Lincoln in graphic design in 2004 (2004. 2004?!). I went straight into my first web design job a few months after leaving so I learnt on the job. I love the feel of creating something that works and I can fiddle with to get just right.

In 2009 I started working freelance, full time, until I had my 2nd child. The work slowed down (as did my energy)… then I had a 3rd child and my maternity leave ended a week into the first lockdown so I had 3 small children at home with me.


That’s when I started up The Conscious Party Box – plastic free party kits for kids Then The Bobbing Dot – prints for nurseries and kids bedrooms (like I didn’t have enough to do with 3 kids locked in a home).

Now I am back to web design – on my own terms. Working with small businesses has been so amazing, I have rediscovered my love of web design, and can’t wait to do more. It’s a completely different experience dealing with small businesses that genuinely love their products, are emotionally invested and show so much enthusiasm and excitement for what you have done. It’s just a great, energetic collaboration of 2 small businesses working towards the same goal!

The Conscious Party Box & The Bobbing Dot on iPads
Web Design & Stuff my family

A few facts about me…

🖤 I have 3 kids who are 8, 6 and 4.
🖤 My cat is in fact my oldest child – I found her up a tree in Tooting 9 years ago – her name is Sausage and she loves me.
🖤 We are lucky enough to live in Crystal Palace in South East London.
🖤 I asked my partner to marry me in 2020 on February 29th. He said yes in case you were wondering 😉
🖤 I am powered purely by coffee.
🖤 My favourite food is pizza.
🖤 BONUS FACT I used to be a rollerskating teacher and desperately want to get on my skates again!

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