Shopify Audit

Start 2024 off with a bang! Are you feeling stuck and lost with where to take your Shopify store next? Have you seen everyone else’s sites upping their game but don’t know where or how to begin? Let’s audit your Shopify store design to make sure your customers have the best experience they can when buying from you.

What you get!

Home page deep dive

This is the most important page on your site, the one where people decide in a couple of seconds whether to stick around or shut down. 

✔️ We take a closer look at your navigation to make sure your customers can easily find their way around your website and find what they need.
✔️ Check over the header & announcement bar to make sure they are working hard for your biz.
✔️ Look at your above the fold section to make sure you are using that prime location to the max! 
✔️ Look at the home page overall to check it gives a sense of what your business is, who it helps and why people should buy from you.

The rest

You will also get an in depth report on your:
✔️ Main collection page, including filter ideas.
✔️ Main product template.
✔️ About page (because this is so important and the thing that makes your business different).
✔️ I will also check over some of the overlooked settings of your website to make sure what your customer sees is always on brand.
✔️ Your apps to make sure you are using the best ones for your biz!

Make the customer the hero of your story
It's a New Year, do you need a New Website in 2023


Once I have completed your audit we will have a 60 minute call to discuss your report and ask any questions you might have.

What you need to do:
Choose a time & date for your call to run through your completed report.
Let me know if you have any particular worries or areas to focus on in the questionnaire.
Purchase the audit.
Sit back and wait for your report to land in your inbox.
Have a read through, note any questions you may have.
Jump on google meet and we can discuss!


Book my audit!

Start up with Shopify for free, then enjoy 1 month for £1*